Home Learning Share!
Well done to all the super learning that all of Foxes are achieving at home. I am so proud of you all! Here is some of the lovely home learning you have shared with me - please carry on sending me things you'd like to show me! Well done. Love Mrs Green x
Josh's rainbow from the garden to brighten up your day! From our Rain Before Rainbows topic.
Felicity's Olympic family mascot: a beautifully drawn ninja cat that loves to leap from building to building doing gymnastics!
Letter to Mrs Green for BBC Bitesize
Nonsense Poetry Performance to make you smile!
Design skills on BBC Bitesize - to create a box for a teck deck... super diagrams!
A strong and sturdy bridge model - casting our minds back to our river topic!
Jake's Balloon Moon
The big bright balloon moon
Reaching out towards the swarm of stars
Venus shining coldly to the clouds
The dark cold clear night sky
The sleeping chickens in their house
The cold green tree leaves
From watching the Caterpillar-Butterfly life cycle in real life - to creating a life cycle collage!
A new bike!
A personal challenge complete!
A very well-designed and made bird feeder for Blue Peter's Green badge for summer
Is this from Beowulf, I wonder! The Dangerous or Delightful Dragon!
A 5 Star Bug Hotel!
Making Princess Castles and Recycled Pen Pots
Pretty Perimeter, Super Similes and Working Together on the Weather Charts
Growing strawberries and stopping the slugs!
Weather on the farm
Diary - Rescuing the owl
Recount - How I Found My Hobby
Garden Art
Bike Rides!
Fishing, Chicks and Allotments!
The Island
Fairies flutter delicately around the radiant red mushrooms.
The gold bird shines like the sun itself.
The fast flowing water glistens like diamonds.
My egg symbolises happiness, joyfulness and love through Easter Time.
The Day the Zoo Came to Our - a story with bonus photos!
Making a Whole
River topic writing, map designs and our nature expert!
Magic Box Poem
I shall put in the box
a lightsabre of creation and destruction
a green bubble of protection
a rainbow crystal of healing
I shall put in the box
the comfy cuddle of the softest yellow bear
a cold fresh breeze on a hot day
the disturbing smell of burning wood
My box is fashioned from the purest light of the midnight moon
sprinkled with the highest stars
I shall rule the kingdom of endless night inside my box and ride my dragon of frosty ice
Magic Box Poem
Magic Box Poem
New chicks and Easter fun!
Making jelly for Science!
Island Map