Witchampton CofE First School, part of the Wimborne Academy Trust, recognises that the welfare of the child is paramount; the needs of each child will be put first.
We take seriously our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all the children in our care.
The Designated Safeguarding Leader is Mrs J Hancock and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader is Miss R Hancock.
Kelly Overhill is the Safeguarding Officer for Wimborne Academy Trust
Emma Boger is the Lead Safeguarding Trustee for Wimborne Academy Trust
If you have any serious concerns about a child, particularly if you think they may be suffering or at risk of suffering harm, please share this information promptly with the Designated Safeguarding Lead Team. If you are unable to contact a member of the school team and you wish to pass on serious concern please call the Children’s Advice and Duty Service (ChaD) Dorset - 01305 228558 or BCP - 01202 735046
Our Anti-Bullying Champion and E-safety Champion is Mrs Green.
Online Safety
Keeping children safe on the Internet is important for parents and carers as well as staff at Witchampton C of E First School.
Please find below some useful links and information on how to keep children safe online.
We take our duties to protect children against radicalisation and extremism very seriously. However we are mindful that our pupils are aged 4-9 years and feel that it is through a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural ethos that will aid our children to grow up as strong individuals, able to make informed choices.
We believe that children should be given the opportunity to explore the issues of diversity and understand Britain as a multi-cultural society and as part of our Creative Curriculum we provide a safe learning environment in which children can raise questions, concerns and explore boundaries of what is acceptable regarding their attitude to multi-cultural and race issues.
PREVENT forms part of the Governments counter terrorism strategy and aims to prevent children and young people from getting drawn into terrorism.
There’s a chance that your child may meet people online or visit websites that could lead them to adopting what we consider to be extreme views, and becoming radicalised.
Prevent concerns should be reported to the police using the Home Office Prevent Referral Form ( or for advice e mail or immediate response call the Anti Terror hotline on 0800 789 321
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead & Prevent Lead Single Point of Contact is Mrs Jo Hancock.