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Witchampton CofE First School

Enrichment Opportunities

Enrichment Through Visits and Visitors

Annually, the school arranges a significant number of visitors, projects and class trips. This includes a residential trip for Year 4. Enrichment activities are an important aspect of the school’s curriculum provision and we plan these carefully to ensure progression in addition to making purposeful links to the curriculum. We have strong links with our beautiful village and make regular visits to our neighbours when opportunities will enrich our learning. We are also very lucky to have beautiful school grounds which we utilise wherever possible. 


We provide a range of clubs throughout the year and subsidise these for pupils who are in receipt of pupil premium. We ask the children which clubs they would like us to provide and do our best to meet the current interests of the children whilst also encouraging them to take part in new experiences. 

During the year we also provide a range of taster sports sessions. 

Pupil Voice

Pupil voice is fundamentally important in all the decisions made regarding the curriculum. The school council, sports leaders and eco team all make decisions regarding relevant aspects of school life. Every year the school council decide on three main charities to support souring the year.  Pupils also take part in partnership work with other schools in the Initio Learning Trust and beyond; this includes WASP sporting events, visits to middle schools and other first schools. Whole school questionnaires and subject specific pupil voice also inform decisions regarding the curriculum.