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Tri Golf and Athletics Festival

WASP Golf and Athletics trip!

On Thursday 9th May, our class Foxes thought it would be the same old boring day until the coach arrived outside the school. When we were on the coach, we picked up Merley First School, We all thought we arrived at St. Michaels but we didn’t!

We finally we arrived at St. Michaels school. We sat down and had our snack.
Next we sat down in a group and Darren/Mrs Cole told us what we were going
to do. Then we went onto the field and did our amazing golf activities, they
were really fun! They all involved different coloured cones and they all
represented different amount of points - blue=1points yellow=5 points and

Some schools left while we ate lunch, Foxes stayed with 4 or 5 other schools.
Then we did athletics. We got split into A,B and C teams. A was just girls, B was just boys and C was a boys and girls mix. There were throwing activities, sprinting activities, standing long jump and distant running and the girls group won a lot of activities YAY! We tied first place with Merley!

Lots of us were showing courage especially those of us who weren’t sure how
to play the Tri Golf but we tried and succeeded! We enjoyed scoring lots of
points for example in one we scored 106 in one of our teams.

We showed team work by being good team players. We supported our team
mates by cheering them on and showing respect to them by taking it in turns.
Some of us are left handed so we shared the left handed golf clubs with
respect. Friendship is our half term value focus – we cheered on our
classmates by running alongside the as they were competing in the running
races which gave them courage and support.

Thank you for spending your time reading this letter and thank you for the
sports leaders and Darren/Mrs Cole for organising it also the teacher for letting
us go.