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February Family Service of Love!

Children and families enjoying our February Family Service after school, led by Rev Suzie, all about letting love in!

A message from Rev Suzie:

“Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – a famous quote from part of the bible (1 Corinthians 13). Christians believe that these 3 qualities/gifts/timeless natures exist forever and are of God. February can be a time when we focus on love, making a fuss of those we hold dear. Pure love is more than romance (I suspect we know that already) – it is patience exercised,
kindness extended, it is truth, it is thinking of others before ourselves, it is accepting others and not comparing ourselves with one another. It is wanting the best for one another. Witchampton C of E First School I believe is a place that wants the best for one another (based/motivated on the love God shows the world). It is shown in classrooms, in the playground and beyond. Children have a wonderful way so often of showing and reminding us adults of what is important in life – to know and show love to others."