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Bug Fest!

Foxes class enjoyed getting up close and personal to a variety of creatures that live in a Rainforest as part of their Vanishing Rainforests topic this half term

We are very grateful for the support from Friends of Witchampton who have funded this experience for the children. It was such an exciting experience for the children and is a great stimulus for their writing, science and geography work that will follow as well as helping us further understand the impact of deforestation. 

Here is the thank you letter the children wrote to Nick from Bug Fest:

Monday 21st January 2019

Dear Nick,

Thank you for being fantastically kind for letting us hold the fascinating creatures and insects that you brought to our school this afternoon. We are grateful that you spent lots of your time explaining about the animals and showing them to us for our Rainforests Topic – you are so knowledgeable!


We thought that it was really enjoyable because we actually touched them which we hadn’t had the opportunity to do before. Everyone thought it was really exciting because we are learning all about saving the rainforest from deforestation so we could see with our own eyes some of the creatures that would be harmed by this. We are hoping to save them by writing a letter to companies to help protect their unique and interesting habitats.


We particularly enjoyed it when you showed us the scorpions and how to know which ones are dangerous or not - which was really useful! Some of us liked looking at the snail the most because they were really calming and we wondered how they made the shell so well. The millipede had so many legs – 256 precisely – and it was really ticklish.


We were surprised when we learnt that the spider from Harry Potter was real and that there was an insect that could shoot vinegar! We were really proud of Mrs Thacker for being courageous by holding the tarantulas even though she was scared! Her daughter now wants one for a pet!


We feel grateful that you came to see us so we can see what it is like to be in a Rainforest and hope that many other schools get the same experience as us.


Yours sincerely,


Foxes Class, Mrs Green and Mrs Thacker