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Year 4 Leeson House Residential

Year 4, along with Mrs Wilson and Mrs Saberton have a fantastic time at Leeson House on their residential.

On Thursday morning twelve year 4 children embarked on 2 days of adventure at Leeson House.  They set off full of anticipation wondering what great activities lay ahead of them.  After arriving at the Field Studies centre in Langton Matravers, the children started their day in one of the classrooms refreshing their knowledge of rocks, fossils and minerals.  It wasn't long before they found themselves setting off, on foot, for Dancing Ledge.  The sun was shining and spirits were high and after stopping for lunch on the way they arrived at their destination. There were squeals of awe as they saw what lay in front of them and lots of giggles as Mrs Wilson slipped over after telling the children to be careful as they headed down the steep hill. Thankfully there were no injuries and they all reached the old quarry in one piece.  The children really enjoyed learning about the site and spent a long time fossil hunting.  They were reluctant to leave, especially when they remembered the hill that they now had to climb.  With the help of a story from our guide, some team work and encouragement of each other, they made it to the top and continued on their way back to the Centre.

When they returned it was time for the most exciting part of the trip...seeing the bedrooms and finding out which bed is theirs! It is worth pointing out at this point that the boys proved to be the more proficient at making their beds - including putting on sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases. 

After dinner, it was was time for team games on the lawn.  There were squeals of excitement as Mrs Green arrived to join them for the evening.   The team games were great fun and the children proved to be great problem solvers with several of them really thinking out of the box.  

As bedtime drew nearer the children were prepared for sleep with some hot chocolate and biscuits.  It was very exciting sleeping in bunk beds in dormitories, but it was an early night for all when all went quiet at 12.30am!

The boys were up bright and early at 6am the next morning.  They were dressed, packed and the room was hoovered before the girls even woke up.  The girls needed a little more encouragement but they were all up and ready for room inspection at 8.15.  Well done to the boys for winning the quietest room award and the tidiest room award!

After a filling breakfast they set off in the minibus for Studland beach where they spent several hours learning about Old Harry rocks and erosion, taking part in a scavenger hunt and learning about the sand dunes and how they were formed.  It was extremely cold and windy at the beach but there was very little moaning from the children, they were far too busy enjoying themselves.  After having lunch in a 'blowout' in the sand dunes, they headed back to Leeson House.

With only 1 hour left of their time at the centre, the children took part in an orienteering activity which was again thoroughly enjoyed by all even though they were all completely exhausted.  At 3 o'clock it was time to set off for home.  

The children all appeared to have had an amazing time.  Memories were made, friendships strengthened and knowledge broadened.  The only dampener on the trip was the absence of one of their valued classmates due to illness. 

Mrs Wilson and Mrs Saberton were proud to be there with these twelve great children and they were very proud of the way they all behaved.  

They will all sleep well tonight!