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Witchampton Church of England First School is officially ‘good’, according to its
most recent Ofsted report.

Inspectors said the school’s motto of being a ‘small school with a big heart – making
a difference’ is played out.

And when its 59 pupils demonstrate one of its key values of love, courage,
inspiration and respect they are issued with a ‘Witchampton Wow’ badge to wear.
The report emphasises the importance the school puts on the fundamental
subjects of mathematics and English.
It said: “Leaders prioritise reading. Storytime is built into the daily timetable for all
classes… Pupils say they enjoy reading and continue to read at home.”
It added that the school’s phonics programme begins in Reception Year and this
helps get children ‘off to a flying start’.
The report also notes the culture of ‘inclusivity and acceptance’ and that
fundamental British values are taught.
Headteacher Jo Hancock said: “The inspectors judged us ‘good’ in all areas which
reflects the efforts of the staff and children.
“I was pleased that the report said that leaders, governors and trustees are
ambitious for all our pupils, and that we have high expectations of their conduct.
“It says how good our safeguarding is and that those with special educational needs
and/or disabilities are well supported.
“There are areas that we can focus on and that is underway, but overall we were
very pleased with the report.”
Witchampton CoE First School is part of Initio Learning Trust – formerly Wimborne
Academy Trust – and its chief executive officer Liz West said: “This is a very strong
“The staff, pupils and parents combine to create a wonderful learning environment
in a beautiful setting.

“The report says that children are happy and want to attend school and it noted the
extra-curricular activities available including the worship team, school council and
eco committee.”